A comprehensive reset at least once a year can keep you healthy, full of energy, and pain free.  While our bodies have a sophisticated ability to detoxify (our lungs, liver, kidneys, skin, colon, and lymphatic system work constantly to eliminate waste products) our organs are challenged by modern living.

Our always on lifestyles, the chemicals in our air and water, along with a processed foods diet, exposes our bodies to way too many toxins.  100 years ago we had 5% of the exposure to the toxins that burden us today.  Our organs of elimination are overwhelmed by maintenance tasks, and our elimination pathways can’t keep up.  They need our help!!

reset28 is designed to help you create a state where your body can repair, heal and thrive.  There are foods to avoid, but you can eat as much of the “good” foods as you want.  There is no deprivation or pangs of hunger, no math gymnastics counting calories and points from food groups, and no powders or supplements to purchase. 

 The reset program includes a variety of delicious recipes to make it easier to follow the weekly guidelines, and to experiment with new and different foods.  Many people are thrilled to find so many new dishes they LOVE!  You do not need to follow a strict menu or even use any of the recipes, as long as you eat according to the guidelines. 

 In addition to eating healthy food, you will learn ways to reduce toxin exposure so your vital organs have less work to eliminate everyday toxins.  The less energy your liver and kidneys have to spend dealing with chemicals in your food and home, the easier it is for your body to get super healthy!


Contact mj@wellnessmultiplied.com for more information.


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